Giovanopoulos George
Service & Repair of Truck Pumps Kalochori Thessaloniki

The company "Giovanopoulos Georgios" which is located in Thessaloniki and more specifically in Kalochori, has been active since 1973 in mechanical pumps, with the repair and marketing of diesel, turbo and injector pumps.

In our modern and pleasant workplace in Kalochori, Thessaloniki, our experienced and specialized staff can offer you guaranteed jobs in the diesel sector.

They prefer us for fast and correct inspection and repair of oil pump, injectors (injection system), quick diagnosis of your problem, TURBO repair, programming, diagnostic devices of modern technology BOSCH-DELPHI-LUCAS-DENSO.

We also have a BOSCH exhaust gas analyzer for the KEK version.

Trucks Kalochori Thessaloniki, Diesel Spare Parts Kalochori Thessaloniki, Diesel Pumps Kalochori Thessaloniki, Diesel Pumps Kalochori Thessaloniki, Turbo Kalochori Thessaloniki, Injectors Kalochori Thessaloniki, Engines Kalochori Thessaloniki